Just relax.

M. Whitcomb
2 min readAug 8, 2021

Let’s face it the world is a mess. With the never-ending pandemic, social and political strife. Here in California, we are facing drought and horrible fires. But everywhere across the United States and the world people are struggling with life.

We don’t wake up in a positive mood anymore, there is this giant “what’s next” cloud hovering over our heads and its soul-draining. I look around and I see people trying to smile and be positive, trying to hide the fear and terror of their lives. And I realized maybe I could help.

In great times of stress, we need quiet times. We need time to reflect and actually acknowledge the good that is in our lives. Our kids, our friends, our families, and that friendly neighbor. I know life is difficult, and time is short for most of us, but spending time reflecting on what is good in our lives helps balance out the bad.

I have always thought that sitting down and having gratitude for the things I have was foo-foo new age rubbish, but I have come to realize that the best time of my day is early morning sitting outside on the patio enjoying my morning coffee. The cool breeze, the smell of the coffee, the way the coffee lights up my taste buds. It is the most relaxing part of my day and I find myself reflecting on all of the things in my life. That’s my time, no tablets no phones, it’s how I energize myself to tackle the day.

So tomorrow morning find some quiet time to sit and enjoy the silence, I won’t tell you to list the things you are grateful for, this isn’t an assignment. Just relax and listen to the silence for a little while. It will be difficult at first, your brain will want to tackle the day, push those thoughts away, within a few days your brain will leave you alone and let you have a break.

Just relax.



M. Whitcomb

Novice writer and artist working in Northern California.